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The monastery of the camaldolese hermits of Majk

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The monastery of the camaldolese hermits of Majk has been renovated with the help of a 885 milion Forint support from the European Union and became one of the most unique monasteries in Europe surrounded with stunning forest and a beautiful lake. It was built in 1733 and has been preserved in its original form.

The headstone of the convent’s building was placed by Jozsef Esterhazy, the famous Hungarian nobleman, and patron of the arts. The builders formed cell-houses for the hermits, who vowed silence and were only allowed to speak to each other once a year. 

An exhibition, held in the rooms of the convent building tells the 18th century history of the camaldolese hermits, and presents the convent’s connection to Francis II. Rakoczi, the Hungarian national hero, who led the revolution against the Habsburgs in the 18th century. The exhibition also represents the period when the building served as a hunting-seat for the Easterhazy family, in the 1860s.

Continuously there are many concerts, festivals held in the convent building, and 17 of the monastery’s cell-houses serve as an apartment for visitors.

The hermitary flourished until the 1782 order of king Joseph the II., after that the Hungarian camaldolese order had been eliminated, and their valuables were dispersed.

Opening time: 

Every day except on Mondays between 10.00-18.00.

This is part of our Tata town and Monastery Tour, sign up here.

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