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Celeritas Shooting Club, Budapest

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If you are looking for an exciting activity in Budapest, then look no further!

 Discover the unbeatable firearm experience with Celeritas Shooting Club!

- Have you seen them in the movies?

- Have you played them on your PC?

- Have you got an airsoft version?

- Have you ever shot the real one?

Come and shoot with real pistols, revolvers and rifles at Celeritas Shooting Club!

Are you interested in trying some shooting? Then Celeritas has all your needs covered with the widest selection of firearms in Hungary.


Celeritas Shooting Club can only be visited upon a pre-booked appointment on weekdays from 12:00pm to 4:00pm and on Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm. The range is closed on Sundays and public holidays.


Address: 1201 Budapest (20th district), Torontál u. 1. Hungary


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